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Link: Information on how ranking points are calculated


Last updated: November 25, 2018




1 - Mary Niedrauer - Atos - 25.5 points [2-1]

2 - Kimberly Bulow - Higgins - 21 points 

3 - Wunyan Wong - TOP LEVEL MMA - 17.5 points 

4 - laura hernandez - TDC MMA - 16 points 

4 - HEAVEN PODGORSKI - Team Gladiador - 16 points 

6 - chi sheibley - MMA Underground - 15 points 

7 - Sarah Shapley - NIU Brazilian Jiu Jitsu - 14.5 points 

8 - Charis Furgat - Team Curran - 13 points 

8 - Laina Hochstetler - Bulldog Fight Team - 13 points 

10 - Emily Bock - Higgins - 12 points 

10 - Kristin Nedialkova - Movimento - 12 points 

10 - Angelique  Vences - Team Gladiador - 12 points 

13 - Kara Vislosky - Hybrid Athletics - 11 points 

13 - samantha Garcia - APEX - 11 points 

15 - Rosalie Puzon - Uflacker Academy - 10 points 

15 - Casey Schilling - Alpha BJJ - 10 points 

15 - Annabelle Dacuycuy - Team Mota - 10 points 

15 - Blanca Martinez-Flores - Carlson Gracie - 10 points 

19 - Rachel Allar - Carlson Grace Team - 9 points [0-1]

20 - Liz Groner - 10th Planet - Lombard - 7 points 

20 - Amber Kamischke - Carlson Grace - 7 points [0-1]

22 - Alexi Cool - Defend Michigan - 6.5 points 

23 - Brooke Stamm - Carlson Gracie Team - 6 points 

23 - Mindy Funk - Marcello Monteiro - 6 points 

23 - Jeni Fennell - Choke-U - 6 points 

23 - Suthasinee Vickstrom - Seamless - 6 points 

27 - Mackenzie Stiller - Devine Jiu Jitsu - 5.5 points 

27 - Kaycee Sullivan - Choke-U - 5.5 points 

27 - Agnes Estes - Vianna Brothers - 5.5 points 

27 - Claire Guthrie - Carlson Gracie - 5.5 points 

27 - Marice Radke - Team Curran - 5.5 points 

27 - Jenna Tully - Victory MMA - 5.5 points 

33 - Cassandra Reinbold - Gracie Barra - 5 points 

33 - evangelina Rojo - Carlson Gracie - 5 points 

33 - Karen Vieth - Monkey Bar Gym - 5 points 

33 - Keren York - MMA Underground - 5 points 

33 - Nargiza Yrysbekova - North Side BJJ - 5 points 

33 - Katie Day - Alpha BJJ - 5 points 

33 - maria gonzalez - 10th Planet JJ - 5 points 

33 - Lauren Kucera - Fit 2 Defend - 5 points 

41 - Courtney Milner - Victory Martial Arts - 4.5 points 

42 - Rebeca Carrillo - Valko BJJ - 4 points 

42 - Tyler Hayes - Higgins - 4 points 

42 - Renee Konitzer - Seamless Progression - 4 points 

42 - Heather Walls - Steadfast Jiu Jitsu - 4 points 

42 - Nicole Brown - Gladiador Jiu Jitsu - 4 points 

42 - Saleena Ziadeh - Bonsai - 4 points 

48 - Joyce zartuche - Team Corral - 3.5 points 

49 - Christine Ramion - Carlson Gracie - 3 points 

49 - Jack Strunk - NIU Brazilian Jiu Jitsu - 3 points 

49 - Joanna Zevallos - Carlson Gracie Team - 3 points 

49 - Meagan Carrero - Impact Zone - 3 points 

49 - Megan Neary - No Team - 3 points 

49 - nahiyha  porter - Maxim Gym - 3 points 

49 - Erin Rogalski - Carlson Gracie - 3 points 

49 - Laura Sanchez - Carlson Gracie Team - 3 points 

57 - Christy Casusol - Valko Bjj - 2.5 points 

57 - Charity LaBuy - Unified Martial Arts - 2.5 points 

57 - Desire Sosa - Victory Martial Arts - 2.5 points 

57 - Kristen Arms - Northern Illinois BJJ - 2.5 points 

57 - Stephanie Cascio - Carlson Gracie - 2.5 points 

57 - Celeste Posada - LCCT - 2.5 points 

57 - Tiffany Stewart - Carlson Gracie - 2.5 points 

64 - Masha Bubela - Monkey Bar Gym - 2 points 

64 - Galina Buckhout - Brazil 021 - 2 points 

64 - Kendra Del Toro - TOP LEVEL MMA - 2 points 

64 - Courtney LaBuy - Unified Martial Arts - 2 points 

64 - Gabriela Mejia - Gilbert Grappling - 2 points 

64 - Charlene Raymundo -MMA Underground- 2 points 

64 - Rachel Renko - Choke-U - 2 points 

64 - Jenelle Thurnbauer - Lifeforce Fitness - 2 points 

72 - Alyse Anderson - Scorpion Fighting - 1.5 points 

72 - Courtney Block - Team Redzovic - 1.5 points 

72 - Stephanie Ferreira - Redzovic - 1.5 points 

72 - Makayla Yager - Fusion Fitness MMA - 1.5 points 

76 - Michelle Sparacio - Carlson Gracie - 1 points 

76 - Shannon Cretsinger - Bonsai JJ USA - 1 points 

76 - Camron Hall - Foundations BJJ - 1 points 

76 - Nicole Jung - Lifeforce Fitness - 1 points 

76 - Sandra Morales - Brasa CTA - 1 points 

76 - Katie Robertson - Rol Academy - 1 points 

76 - Olivia Sanchez - Dominion - 1 points 

76 - Briana Singson - Uflacker Academy - 1 points 

76 - Tina Warren - Foundations BJJ - 1 points 

76 - Alexandra Barillas - Hill Brothers - 1 points 

76 - Michelle Dominik - Carlson Gracie Team - 1 points 

76 - Nichole Glazik - Carlson Gracie  - 1 points 

76 - Magdaline Mouratides - Carlson Gracie - 1 points 

76 - Lexus Randle - Hill Brothers Team - 1 points 

90 - Rachael Broadus - Choke-U - 0.5 points 

90 - meagan carrero - Atos / ImpactZone - 0.5 points 

90 - Lucy Dominguez - Carlson Gracie Team - 0.5 points 

90 - Lauren Wang - Atos / ImpactZone - 0.5 points 




Expert (over 5yrs):


1 - chi sheibley - MMA Underground - 15 points 

2 - Liz Groner - 10th Planet - Lombard - 7 points 

2 - Amber Kamischke - Carlson Grace Team - 7 points [0-1]

4 - Alexi Cool - Defend Michigan - 6.5 points 

5 - Alyse Anderson - Scorpion Fighting Systems - 1.5 points 


Advanced (3-5yrs):


1 - Mary Niedrauer - Atos- Impact Zone - 25.5 points [2-1]

2 - Wunyan Wong - TOP LEVEL MMA - 17.5 points 

3 - Sarah Shapley - NIU Brazilian Jiu Jitsu - 14.5 points 

4 - Kara Vislosky - Hybrid Athletics - 11 points 

5 - Brooke Stamm - Carlson Gracie Team - 6 points 

6 - Mackenzie Stiller - Devine Jiu Jitsu Chicago - 5.5 points 

7 - Joyce zartuche - Team Corral - 3.5 points 

8 - Christine Ramion - Carlson Gracie - Rufusport - 3 points 

9 - Michelle Sparacio - Carlson Gracie - 1 points 


Intermediate (1yr - 3yrs):


1 - Kimberly Bulow - Higgins Conspiracy Grappling - 21 points 

2 - laura hernandez - TDC MMA - 16 points 

2 - HEAVEN PODGORSKI - Team Gladiador - 16 points 

4 - Angelique  Vences - Team Gladiador - 12 points 

5 - samantha Garcia - APEX House Of Grappling - 11 points 

6 - Annabelle Dacuycuy - Team Mota - Mission MMA - 10 points 

6 - Blanca Martinez-Flores - Carlson Gracie Team - 10 points 

8 - Rachel Allar - Carlson Grace Team - 9 points [0-1]

9 - Jeni Fennell - Choke-U - 6 points 

9 - Suthasinee Vickstrom - Seamless  6 points 

11 - Agnes Estes - Vianna Brothers - Carlson Gracie - 5.5 points 

11 - Claire Guthrie - Carlson Gracie - 5.5 points 

11 - Marice Radke - Team Curran - 5.5 points 

11 - Jenna Tully - Victory MMA - 5.5 points 

15 - Katie Day - Alpha BJJ - 5 points 

15 - maria gonzalez - 10th Planet JJ - 5 points 

15 - Lauren Kucera - Fit 2 Defend - 5 points 

18 - Courtney Milner - Victory Martial Arts - 4.5 points 

19 - Nicole Brown - Gladiador Jiu Jitsu - 4 points 

19 - Saleena Ziadeh - Bonsai - 4 points 

21 - Meagan Carrero - Impact Zone - 3 points 

21 - Megan Neary - No Team - 3 points 

21 - nahiyha  porter - Maxim Gym - 3 points 

21 - Erin Rogalski - Carlson Gracie - 3 points 

21 - Laura Sanchez - Carlson Gracie Team - 3 points 

26 - Kristen Arms - Northern Illinois BJJ - 2.5 points 

26 - Stephanie Cascio - Carlson Gracie Team - 2.5 points 

26 - Celeste Posada - LCCT - 2.5 points 

26 - Tiffany Stewart - Carlson Gracie - Maxim Gym - 2.5 points 

30 - Rachel Renko - Choke-U - 2 points 

30 - Jenelle Thurnbauer - Lifeforce Fitness MMA - 2 points 

32 - Courtney Block - Team Redzovic - 1.5 points 

32 - Stephanie Ferreira - Redzovic - 1.5 points 

32 - Makayla Yager - Fusion Fitness MMA - 1.5 points 

35 - Alexandra Barillas - Hill Brothers - 1 points 

35 - Michelle Dominik - Carlson Gracie Team - 1 points 

35 - Nichole Glazik - Carlson Gracie-channahon - 1 points 

35 - Magdaline Mouratides - Carlson Gracie - 1 points 

35 - Lexus Randle - Hill Brothers Team - 1 points 


Beginner (0 - 1yr):


1 - Charis Furgat - Team Curran - 13 points 

1 - Laina Hochstetler - Bulldog Fight Team - 13 points 

3 - Emily Bock - Higgins Conspiracy Grappling - 12 points 

3 - Kristin Nedialkova - Movimento - 12 points 

5 - Rosalie Puzon - Uflacker Academy - 10 points 

5 - Casey Schilling - Alpha BJJ - 10 points 

7 - Mindy Funk - Marcello Monteiro - 6 points 

8 - Kaycee Sullivan - Choke-U - 5.5 points 

9 - Cassandra Reinbold - Gracie Barra - 5 points 

9 - evangelina Rojo - Carlson Gracie -Maxim Gym llc - 5 points 

9 - Karen Vieth - Monkey Bar Gym - 5 points 

9 - Keren York - MMA Underground - 5 points 

9 - Nargiza Yrysbekova - North Side BJJ - 5 points 

14 - Rebeca Carrillo - Valko BJJ - 4 points 

14 - Tyler Hayes - Higgins Conspiracy Grappling - 4 points 

14 - Renee Konitzer - Seamless Progression Academy - 4 points 

14 - Heather Walls - Steadfast Jiu Jitsu - 4 points 

18 - Jack Strunk - NIU Brazilian Jiu Jitsu - 3 points 

18 - Joanna Zevallos - Carlson Gracie Team - 3 points 

20 - Christy Casusol - Valko Bjj - 2.5 points 

20 - Charity LaBuy - Unified Martial Arts - 2.5 points 

20 - Desire Sosa - Victory Martial Arts Orland Park - 2.5 points 

23 - Masha Bubela - Monkey Bar Gym - 2 points 

23 - Galina Buckhout - Brazil 021 - 2 points 

23 - Kendra Del Toro - TOP LEVEL MMA - 2 points 

23 - Courtney LaBuy - Unified Martial Arts - 2 points 

23 - Gabriela Mejia - Gilbert Grappling - 2 points 

23 - Charlene Raymundo - MMA UNDERGROUND - 2 points 

29 - Shannon Cretsinger - Bonsai JJ USA - 1 points 

29 - Camron Hall - Foundations BJJ - 1 points 

29 - Nicole Jung - Lifeforce Fitness, Jefferson, WI - 1 points 

29 - Sandra Morales - Brasa CTA - 1 points 

29 - Katie Robertson - Rol Academy - 1 points 

29 - Olivia Sanchez - Dominion - 1 points 

29 - Briana Singson - Uflacker Academy - 1 points 

29 - Tina Warren - Foundations BJJ - 1 points 

37 - Rachael Broadus - Choke-U - Valparaiso - 0.5 points 

37 - meagan carrero - Atos / ImpactZone - 0.5 points 

37 - Lucy Dominguez - Carlson Gracie Team - 0.5 points 

37 - Lauren Wang - Atos / ImpactZone - 0.5 points 

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