Link: Information on how ranking points are calculated
Last updated: August 10, 2018
1 - Samantha Gesel - Luiz Palhares - 29 points [1-0]
2 - Danyce Rodriguez - Gracie Barra - 15 points [0-1]
3 - Sally Treadway - BCAA - 14 points
4 - Lori Cherry - Memphis Judo and Jiu-Jitsu - 11 points
5 - Karrah Jones - Midtown Grappling - 10.5 points
6 - Danielle Massaro - Bjj Globetrotters - 10 points
7 - Krystal Beyal - Checkmat - 9 points
7 - Kimberly Dees - MMAFFC - 9 points
9 - Angelina De Luca - Zenith - 8.5 points
10 - Maya Stewart - SSF - 8 points
11 - Pemberton Heath - Artista BJJ - 7.5 points
12 - Priyanka Patel - Anvil MMA - 6 points
13 - Ferrari Cardona - Gracie Barra - 5.5 points
13 - Heather Weber - Team Zenith - 5.5 points
15 - Ashley Simpson - Zanshin Dojo - 5 points
16 - Hattie Johnson - Phoenix MMA 4 points
16 - Alexandra Lenz - Gracie Barra Knoxville - 4 points
16 - Melissa Wallin - Hics mma - 4 points
19 - Christin Cook - Memphis BJJ - 3 points
19 - Amanda Corpuz - Gracie Barra Clarksville - 3 points
19 - Christian Gibbs - Memphis BJJ - 3 points
19 - Courtney Helmick - Team Zenith - 3 points
19 - Jessie Yu - Memphis BJJ - 3 points
24 - Olya Bulgak - KMAA - 2.5 points
24 - Denesha Cuneo - Florence BJJ - 2.5 points
24 - Leigh King - Shawn Hammonds - 2.5 points
24 - Casey Meeks - Luiz Palhares - 2.5 points
24 - Kiowana Phillips - Team 1 - 2.5 points
24 - Cameron Pollard - Memphis JJ - 2.5 points
24 - Codi Sagraves - Memphis JJ - 2.5 points
24 - Chelsea Smith - Adversity Training - 2.5 points
32 - britten bailey - Midtown Grappling - 2 points
32 - Madison Brown - UFC Gym - 2 points
32 - Jessica Spence - Memphis Grappling - 2 points
35 - Linda Chen - Zanshin Dojo - 1.5 points
36 - Krystal Crocker - Kaze BJJ / Team Zenith - 1 points
36 - Chelsey Elqadi - Anthony Mitchell BJJ - 1 points
36 - Hannah Guy - Relentless MMA - 1 points
36 - Lola Hensley - Team Adversity - 1 points
36 - jennifer jay - florence bjj - 1 points
36 - Bianca Paige - Without Limits MMA - 1 points
36 - Starr Pinchbeck - SSF - 1 points
36 - Genetta Quesenberry - ATC - 1 points
36 - Julia Ramsden - Maverick Training - 1 points
36 - Anna Valley - UFC Gym Hendersonville - 1 points
36 - Kayla Wright - Memphis BJJ - 1 points
47 - Kiki Bell - Harris Holt - 0.5 points
47 - Amy Harless - Luiz Palhares - 0.5 points
47 - Hollie Yokley - shawn Hammonds - 0.5 points
Expert (over 5 yrs)
1 - Kimberly Dees - MMAFFC - 9 points
2 - Christin Cook - Memphis BJJ - 3 points
Advanced (3 - 5 yrs)
1 - Hollie Yokley - shawn Hammonds - .5 points
Intermediate (1yr - 3yrs):
1 - Samantha Gesel - Luiz Palhares - 29 points [1-0]
2 - Danielle Massaro - Bjj Globetrotters - 10 points
3 - Krystal Beyal - Checkmat - 9 points
4 - Angelina De Luca - Zenith - 8.5 points
5 - Maya Stewart - SSF - 8 points
6 - Pemberton Heath - Artista BJJ - 7.5 points
7 - Ferrari Cardona - Gracie Barra - 5.5 points
7 - Heather Weber - Team Zenith - 5.5 points
9 - Ashley Simpson - Zanshin Dojo - 5 points
10 - Christian Gibbs - Memphis BJJ - 3 points
10 - Courtney Helmick - Team Zenith - 3 points
10 - Jessie Yu - Memphis BJJ - 3 points
13 - Casey Meeks - Luiz Palhares/ Jiu Jitsu Nation - 2.5 points
13 - Codi Sagraves - Memphis Judo and Jiu Jitsu - 2.5 points
15 - Krystal Crocker - Kaze BJJ / Team Zenith - 1 points
15 - Chelsey Elqadi - Anthony Mitchell BJJ - 1 points
15 - Julia Ramsden - Maverick Training - 1 points
Beginner (0 - 1yr):
1 - Danyce Rodriguez - Gracie Barra - 15 points [0-1]
2 - Sally Treadway - BCAA - 14 points
3 - Lori Cherry - Memphis Judo and Jiu-Jitsu - 11 points
4 - Karrah Jones - Midtown Grappling Academy - 10.5 points
5 - Priyanka Patel - Anvil MMA/UFC GYM Murfreesboro - 6 points
6 - Hattie Johnson - Phoenix MMA and Fitness - 4 points
6 - Alexandra Lenz - Gracie Barra Knoxville - 4 points
6 - Melissa Wallin - Hics mma - 4 points
9 - Amanda Corpuz - Gracie Barra Clarksville - 3 points
10 - Olya Bulgak - KMAA - 2.5 points
10 - Denesha Cuneo - Florence BJJ - 2.5 points
10 - Leigh King - Shawn Hammonds - 2.5 points
10 - Kiowana Phillips - Team 1 - 2.5 points
10 - Cameron Pollard - Memphis Judo and Jiu Jitsu - 2.5 points
10 - Chelsea Smith - Adversity Training Center - 2.5 points
16 - britten bailey - Midtown Grappling Academy - 2 points
16 - Madison Brown - UFC Gym - 2 points
16 - Jessica Spence - Memphis Grappling Academy - 2 points
19 - Linda Chen - Zanshin Dojo - 1.5 points
20 - Hannah Guy - Relentless MMA - 1 points
20 - Lola Hensley - Team Adversity - 1 points
20 - jennifer jay - florence bjj - 1 points
20 - Bianca Paige - Without Limits MMA - 1 points
20 - Starr Pinchbeck - SSF - 1 points
20 - Genetta Quesenberry - ATC - 1 points
20 - Anna Valley - UFC Gym Hendersonville - 1 points
20 - Kayla Wright - Memphis BJJ - 1 points
28 - Kiki Bell - Harris Holt - 0.5 points
28 - Amy Harless - Luiz Palhares- Jiu Jitsu Nation - 0.5 points