Link: Information on how ranking points are calculated
Last updated: August 10, 2018
TEEN'S No-GI 13-17yrs:
1 - Zlatko skuljan - SSF - 50 points [1-0]
2 - Ashton Newborn - Jiu Jitsu Nation - 37 points
3 - Samantha Laugherty - Luiz Palhares - 30.5 points
4 - Jaden Bracewell - Luiz Palhares - 26 points
5 - Megan Pence - Jiu Jitsu Nation - 25 points
6 - McKenna Andres - Zenith - 22 points
7 - Sage Bender - Memphis BJJ - 20 points
8 - Andy Ortiz - Luiz Palhares - 18.5 points [0-1]
9 - Shaley Andres - Team Zenith - 17.5 points
9 - Hannah Clark - Jiu Jitsu Nation - 17.5 points
11 - Ethan Babiarz - Profectus Jiu Jitsu - 17 points
12 - Analise Jetter - BCAA - 16 points
13 - Jerry McCoy - KAZE BJJ & JUDO Institute - 14 points
13 - Arianna Anderson - Jiu Jitsu Nation - 14 points
15 - Kenneth Harless - Luiz Palhares - Jiu Jitsu Nation - 13.5 points
16 - Reese LaFever - Jiu Jitsu Nation - 13 points
17 - Josiah Mok - Luiz Palhares - 12.5 points [0-1]
17 - Nicolas Waugh - American Top Team - 12.5 points
19 - River Phanco - ATOS JIU JITSU - ANDRE GALVAO - 11 points
19 - Jimmy Bettencourt - Gracie Barra Michigan - 11 points [1-0]
19 - Cole Kuklers - Maverick - 11 points
19 - Sammy Shires - Zenith - BRCAF - 11 points
23 - John Morgan - Badger Style - 10.5 points
24 - Randy Shores Jr. - Joey Brassell's Mixed Martial Arts - 10 points
24 - Jacob Elam - Knucklehead MMA - 10 points
24 - Luke Gilmore - Luiz Palhares - 10 points
24 - Xavier Campbell - Team Zenith - 10 points
24 - Davin Mayfield - Gracie Barra Clarksville - 10 points
29 - Brooklyn White - Palhares - 9.5 points
29 - Jackson Vaughn - Harris Holt - 9.5 points
29 - Ruben Perez - Zenith - BRCAF - 9.5 points
32 - Crockett Martin - Legion JJ - 9 points
32 - Jacob Woods - Memphis Judo and Jiu Jitsu - 9 points
32 - Luke Hodas - No Association/Team - 9 points
35 - Rachel Blanekenship - Luiz Palhares - 7.5 points
35 - Ella Bullock-Papa - Brentwood BJJ - 7.5 points
37 - Triston Hamlin - Gracie Barra Knoxville - 6.5 points
37 - Madilyn Lambert - Team Shawn Hammonds - 6.5 points
37 - Katelyn Ziss - Team Zenith - 6.5 points
40 - Manny Rocha - 10th Planet Decatur - 6 points
40 - Bradley Faulkner - Team Shawn Hammonds - 6 points
40 - Nevaeh Brinson - Team Zennith - 6 points
43 - Merrick Miller - Midtown Grappling Academy - 5.5 points
43 - Dominic Herrera - Decatur - 5.5 points
43 - Kayla Wienbeck - Memphis BJJ - 5.5 points
43 - Zachary Altic - Franklin - 5.5 points
47 - Noah Rogers - Luiz Palhares - 5 points
47 - Ericka Landicho - Memphis Judo and Jiu Jitsu - 5 points
47 - Jackson Stults - Team Shawn Hammonds - 5 points
47 - Ethan Burmingham - The House MMA Academy - 5 points
47 - Heath Frimel - Harris Holt Combat Sports - 5 points
47 - Jake Rath - Brentwood Brazilian Jiu Jitsu - 5 points
47 - Aiden Snyder - Harris Holt - 5 points
47 - Riley Lent - TBJJA - 5 points
47 - Chad Maurer - Murfreesboro BJJ - 5 points
47 - Annalynn Rakett - TBJJA - 5 points
57 - Christian Bushman - Team Shawn Hammonds - 4.5 points
57 - Alisa Blankenship - Luiz Palhares - 4.5 points
57 - Luke Hubbard - Hendersonville - 4.5 points
57 - Christopher Moorer - Memphis Judo and Jiu Jitsu - 4.5 points
57 - Kira Jones - Harris Holt Martial Arts Academy - 4.5 points
57 - Grant Williams - Luiz Palhares - 4.5 points
63 - Zayn Lakhani - 618 Fight Sports - 4 points
63 - Tyler Moore - Zenith BJJ - 4 points
63 - Bobby Watkins III - Phoenix MMA and Fitness - 4 points
63 - Samuel Mustafa - Gracie Barra Brentwood - 4 points
63 - Jacob Modlin - UFC GYM HENDERSONVILLE - 4 points
68 - Coleman Westerkamm - Zenith - 3.5 points
68 - Austin Regan - Gracie Barra - West Cobb - 3.5 points
70 - Michael Lilly - Team Shawn Hammonds - 3 points
70 - Kyle Anderson - Without Limits MMA - 3 points
70 - Brent Turnwall - Rocian Gracie Jr - 3 points
70 - Jael Winsett - Lineage BJJ - 3 points
70 - Conner Ahlquist - Borras BJJ - 3 points
70 - Payton Frimel - Harris Holt - 3 points
70 - Marcus Khamsyvoravong - Garcie Bara Murfreesboro - 3 points
70 - Felipe Vieira - Gracie Barra West Cobb - 3 points
70 - Ian Eastridge - Harris Holt Martial Arts Academy - 3 points
70 - Keith Coe - KAZE BJJ & JUDO Institute - 3 points
70 - Riley Farver - Team Zenith - 3 points
70 - Mason Brennan - BCAA - 3 points
70 - Kason Loyd - Shawn Hammonds - 3 points
70 - Joao Marcelo Ribeiro - Gracie Barra Brentwood - 3 points
70 - Chris Sego - Borras BJJ - 3 points
70 - Bryce Lander - Team Shawn Hammond's/Nashville MMA - 3 points
70 - Isaac Finch - Gracie Barra Murfreesboro - 3 points
87 - Richard Gathings - Relentless MMA - 2.5 points
87 - Jake Gibbs - Memphis BJJ - 2.5 points
87 - Eugene Landicho - Memphis Judo and Jiu Jitsu - 2.5 points
87 - Jacob Miller - SSF Submission Academy - 2.5 points
87 - Chase Martin - Luiz Palhares - 2.5 points
87 - Eli Mitchell - Living Sword - 2.5 points
87 - Ethan Narro - Gracie Barra - Knoxville - 2.5 points
87 - Lyle Forristall - Budokan BJJ Alliance - 2.5 points
87 - Rylee Leng - Team Zenith - 2.5 points
87 - nicholas lyons - Gracie Barra knoxville - 2.5 points
87 - Leo Rico Purulla - Gracie Barra Knoxville - 2.5 points
87 - Allison Sego - Borras BJJ - 2.5 points
87 - Jax Spinell - Gracie Barra Cool Springs - 2.5 points
100 - Keira Wilkerson - MMAFFC - 2 points
100 - Myron Salvador - Shawn Hammons - 2 points
100 - Tanner Hair - Warren Grace/Team Shawn Hammonds - 2 points
100 - Justin Le - Iron Wolf Academy - 2 points
100 - Thomas Williams - Team Zenith/BRCAF - 2 points
100 - dustyn halter - Team Shawn Hammonds - 2 points
100 - Natalie Saenz - Budokan BJJ - 2 points
100 - Gavin Sotelo - Athens - 2 points
100 - Cameron Devine - Team Shawn Hammonds - 2 points
100 - Kelton Dial - Shaun Hammond Competition Team - 2 points
100 - Erin Faulkner - Team Shawn Hammonds - 2 points
100 - Trevor Martin - Luiz Palhares - 2 points
100 - Pablo Nunez - UFC Gym Murfreesboro - 2 points
100 - Worth Snider - No team - 2 points
100 - Jackson Stults - Team Shawn Hammonds - 2 points
100 - Logan Walter - Club MMA - 2 points
116 - Dimitri Herrera - Decatur - 1.5 points
116 - Connor Carruth - Florence BJJ - 1.5 points
116 - Riley McNabb - ERWMA - 1.5 points
119 - Blake Bryant - 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu - 1 points
119 - Mahmoud Hussein - Knockle UP - 1 points
119 - Brandon Maples - Gracie Barra - Clarksville - 1 points
119 - Logan Palmer - No Team - 1 points
119 - Cole Scott - Shackelford's MMA - 1 points
119 - Caio Almeida - Gracie Barra Franklin - 1 points
119 - Dalton Devine - Team Shawn Hammonds - 1 points
119 - Owen Medrano - Zenith - BRCAF - 1 points
119 - David Onquit - 10th planet - 1 points
119 - Zanthia Luciano - Modern Martial Arts - 1 points
119 - jason Lafever - Luis Pallhares - 1 points
119 - Elizabeth Rico Purulla - Gracie Barra Knoxville - 1 points
119 - shoaf williams - No Team - 1 points
119 - Evan Hughes - Phoenix MMA and Fitness - 1 points
119 - Maurice II Bobo - Gracie Barra West Cobb - 1 points
119 - Tek tanner - Praxium Martial Arts - 1 points
119 - Kirsten Bracewell - Luiz Palhares - 1 points
119 - Caleb Coley - Pezao - 1 points
119 - hector orozco purulla - gracie barra knoxville - 1 points
119 - Michael Sowell - Jiu Jitsu Nation - 1 points
119 - Riley Strickland - UFC Gym Hendersonville - 1 points
119 - Elliott Tapp - Nice Guy Submission Fighting - 1 points
119 - David Walrond - UFC Hendersonville - 1 points
142 - Jada Hoskins - Gracie Barra Clarksville - 0.5 points
142 - Cathlin Green - Gracie Barra Clarksville - 0.5 points
142 - Terry Scallions - No Team - 0.5 points
142 - Kyrillos Sharkawy - Extreme Martial Arts - 0.5 points
142 - Gabby Godman - Cta Bjj Mma - 0.5 points
142 - Ethan Tapp - Nice Guy Submission Fighting - 0.5 points
17 years old:
1 - Zlatko skuljan - SSF - 50 points [1-0]
2 - Sage Bender - Memphis BJJ - 20 points
3 - Randy Shores Jr. - Joey Brassell's Mixed Martial Arts - 10 points
4 - Noah Rogers - Luiz Palhares - 5 points
5 - Zayn Lakhani - 618 Fight Sports - 4 points
16 years old:
1 - Andy Ortiz - Luiz Palhares - 18.5 points [0-1]
2 - Jacob Elam - Knucklehead MMA - 10 points
3 - Crockett Martin - Legion JJ - 9 points
4 - Manny Rocha - 10th Planet Decatur - 6 points
5 - Tyler Moore - Zenith BJJ - 4 points
5 - Bobby Watkins III - Phoenix MMA and Fitness - 4 points
7 - Michael Lilly - Team Shawn Hammonds - 3 points
8 - Richard Gathings - Relentless MMA - 2.5 points
8 - Jake Gibbs - Memphis BJJ - 2.5 points
8 - Eugene Landicho - Memphis Judo and Jiu Jitsu - 2.5 points
8 - Jacob Miller - SSF Submission Academy - 2.5 points
12 - Dimitri Herrera - Decatur - 1.5 points
13 - Blake Bryant - 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu - 1 points
13 - Mahmoud Hussein - Knockle UP - 1 points
13 - Brandon Maples - Gracie Barra - Clarksville - 1 points
13 - Logan Palmer - No Team - 1 points
13 - Cole Scott - Shackelford's MMA - 1 points
Females 16-17 years old:
1 - Shaley Andres - Team Zenith - 17.5 points
1 - Hannah Clark - Jiu Jitsu Nation - 17.5 points
3 - Keira Wilkerson - MMAFFC - 2 points
4 - Jada Hoskins - Gracie Barra Clarksville - 0.5 points
15 years old:
1 - Reese LaFever - Jiu Jitsu Nation - 13 points
2 - River Phanco - ATOS JIU JITSU - ANDRE GALVAO - 11 points
2 - Jimmy Bettencourt - Gracie Barra Michigan - 11 points [1-0]
4 - Luke Gilmore - Luiz Palhares - 10 points
5 - Triston Hamlin - Gracie Barra Knoxville - 6.5 points
6 - Christian Bushman - Team Shawn Hammonds - 4.5 points
7 - Samuel Mustafa - Gracie Barra Brentwood - 4 points
8 - Coleman Westerkamm - Zenith - 3.5 points
9 - Kyle Anderson - Without Limits MMA - 3 points
9 - Brent Turnwall - Rocian Gracie Jr - 3 points
9 - Jael Winsett - Lineage BJJ - 3 points
12 - Myron Salvador - Shawn Hammons - 2 points
13 - Caio Almeida - Gracie Barra Franklin - 1 points
13 - Dalton Devine - Team Shawn Hammonds - 1 points
13 - Owen Medrano - Zenith - BRCAF - 1 points
13 - David Onquit - 10th planet - 1 points
14 years old:
1 - Kenneth Harless - Luiz Palhares - Jiu Jitsu Nation - 13.5 points
2 - Cole Kuklers - Maverick - 11 points
3 - John Morgan - Badger Style - 10.5 points
4 - Xavier Campbell - Team Zenith - 10 points
5 - Jackson Vaughn - Harris Holt - 9.5 points
6 - Jacob Woods - Memphis Judo and Jiu Jitsu - 9 points
7 - Merrick Miller - Midtown Grappling Academy - 5.5 points
8 - Jackson Stults - Team Shawn Hammonds - 5 points
9 - Conner Ahlquist - Borras BJJ - 3 points
9 - Marcus Khamsyvoravong - Garcie Bara Murfreesboro - 3 points
9 - Felipe Vieira - Gracie Barra West Cobb - 3 points
9 - Ian Eastridge - Harris Holt Martial Arts Academy - 3 points
13 - Tanner Hair - Warren Grace/Team Shawn Hammonds - 2 points
13 - Justin Le - Iron Wolf Academy - 2 points
13 - Thomas Williams - Team Zenith/BRCAF - 2 points
16 - jason Lafever - Luis Pallhares - 1 points
16 - shoaf williams - No Team - 1 points
18 - Terry Scallions - No Team - 0.5 points
18 - Kyrillos Sharkawy - Extreme Martial Arts - 0.5 points
13 years old:
1 - Ashton Newborn - Jiu Jitsu Nation - 37 points
2 - Ethan Babiarz - Profectus Jiu Jitsu - 17 points
3 - Jerry McCoy - KAZE BJJ & JUDO Institute - 14 points
4 - Josiah Mok - Luiz Palhares - Brentwood BJJ - 12.5 points [0-1]
4 - Nicolas Waugh - American Top Team - 12.5 points
6 - Sammy Shires - Zenith - BRCAF - 11 points
7 - Davin Mayfield - Gracie Barra Clarksville - 10 points
8 - Ruben Perez - Zenith - BRCAF - 9.5 points
9 - Luke Hodas - No Association/Team - 9 points
10 - Dominic Herrera - Decatur - 5.5 points
10 - Zachary Altic - Franklin - 5.5 points
12 - Ethan Burmingham - The House MMA Academy - 5 points
12 - Heath Frimel - Harris Holt Combat Sports - 5 points
12 - Jake Rath - Brentwood Brazilian Jiu Jitsu - 5 points
12 - Aiden Snyder - Harris Holt - 5 points
12 - Chad Maurer - Murfreesboro BJJ - 5 points
17 - Luke Hubbard - Hendersonville - 4.5 points
17 - Christopher Moorer - Memphis Judo and Jiu Jitsu - 4.5 points
17 - Grant Williams - Luiz Palhares - 4.5 points
20 - Jacob Modlin - UFC GYM HENDERSONVILLE - 4 points
21 - Austin Regan - Gracie Barra - West Cobb - 3.5 points
22 - Keith Coe - KAZE BJJ & JUDO Institute - 3 points
22 - Mason Brennan - BCAA - 3 points
22 - Kason Loyd - Shawn Hammonds - 3 points
22 - Joao Marcelo Ribeiro - Gracie Barra Brentwood - 3 points
22 - Chris Sego - Borras BJJ - 3 points
22 - Bryce Lander - Team Shawn Hammond's/Nashville MMA - 3 points
22 - Isaac Finch - Gracie Barra Murfreesboro - 3 points
29 - Chase Martin - Luiz Palhares - 2.5 points
29 - Eli Mitchell - Living Sword - 2.5 points
29 - Ethan Narro - Gracie Barra - Knoxville - 2.5 points
29 - Lyle Forristall - Budokan BJJ Alliance - 2.5 points
29 - nicholas lyons - Gracie Barra knoxville - 2.5 points
29 - Leo Rico Purulla - Gracie Barra Knoxville - 2.5 points
29 - Jax Spinell - Gracie Barra Cool Springs - 2.5 points
36 - dustyn halter - Team Shawn Hammonds - 2 points
36 - Gavin Sotelo - Athens - 2 points
36 - Cameron Devine - Team Shawn Hammonds - 2 points
36 - Kelton Dial - Shaun Hammond Competition Team - 2 points
36 - Trevor Martin - Luiz Palhares - 2 points
36 - Pablo Nunez - UFC Gym Murfreesboro - 2 points
36 - Worth Snider - No team - 2 points
36 - Jackson Stults - Team Shawn Hammonds - 2 points
36 - Logan Walter - Club MMA - 2 points
45 - Connor Carruth - Florence BJJ - 1.5 points
45 - Riley McNabb - ERWMA - 1.5 points
47 - Evan Hughes - Phoenix MMA and Fitness - 1 points
47 - Maurice II Bobo - Gracie Barra West Cobb - 1 points
47 - Tek tanner - Praxium Martial Arts - 1 points
47 - Caleb Coley - Pezao - 1 points
47 - hector orozco purulla - gracie barra knoxville - 1 points
47 - Michael Sowell - Jiu Jitsu Nation - 1 points
47 - Elliott Tapp - Nice Guy Submission Fighting - 1 points
47 - David Walrond - UFC Hendersonville - 1 points
55 - Ethan Tapp - Nice Guy Submission Fighting - 0.5 points
Females 13-15 years old
1 - Samantha Laugherty - Luiz Palhares - 30.5 points
2 - Jaden Bracewell - Luiz Palhares - 26 points
3 - Megan Pence - Jiu Jitsu Nation - 25 points
4 - McKenna Andres - Zenith - 22 points
5 - Analise Jetter - BCAA - 16 points
6 - Arianna Anderson - Jiu Jitsu Nation - 14 points
7 - Brooklyn White - Palhares - 9.5 points
8 - Rachel Blanekenship - Luiz Palhares - 7.5 points
8 - Ella Bullock-Papa - Brentwood BJJ - 7.5 points
10 - Madilyn Lambert - Team Shawn Hammonds - 6.5 points
10 - Katelyn Ziss - Team Zenith - 6.5 points
12 - Bradley Faulkner - Team Shawn Hammonds - 6 points
12 - Nevaeh Brinson - Team Zennith - 6 points
14 - Kayla Wienbeck - Memphis BJJ - 5.5 points
15 - Ericka Landicho - Memphis Judo and Jiu Jitsu - 5 points
15 - Riley Lent - TBJJA - 5 points
15 - Annalynn Rakett - TBJJA - 5 points
18 - Alisa Blankenship - Luiz Palhares - 4.5 points
18 - Kira Jones - Harris Holt Martial Arts Academy - 4.5 points
20 - Payton Frimel - Harris Holt - 3 points
20 - Riley Farver - Team Zenith - 3 points
22 - Rylee Leng - Team Zenith - 2.5 points
22 - Allison Sego - Borras BJJ - 2.5 points
24 - Natalie Saenz - Budokan BJJ - 2 points
24 - Erin Faulkner - Team Shawn Hammonds - 2 points
26 - Zanthia Luciano - Modern Martial Arts and Family Fitness - 1 points
26 - Elizabeth Rico Purulla - Gracie Barra Knoxville - 1 points
26 - Kirsten Bracewell - Luiz Palhares - 1 points
26 - Riley Strickland - UFC Gym Hendersonville - 1 points
30 - Cathlin Green - Gracie Barra Clarksville - 0.5 points
30 - Gabby Godman - Cta Bjj Mma - 0.5 points